OnePlus 2 smartphone revealed by Chinese regulator ahead of launch - Gadgets Tech Gadgets

OnePlus 2 smartphone revealed by Chinese regulator ahead of launch

OnePlus 2 smartphone revealed by Chinese regulator ahead of launch , TENAA

Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus had a big hit last year with the $299 OnePlus One, which offered powerful specs at a bargain price. The company is hoping it can follow this success with the OnePlus 2, which is scheduled to be unveiled later this month. However, Chinese wireless regulator TENAA has published pictures of the device ahead of the launch, showing, well, a rather similar smartphone to last year, albeit with a new, physical home button. This is almost certainly the OnePlus 2's "lightning quick" fingerprint scanner, which the company announced late last month with the claim that the technology is faster than the iPhone's TouchID system.

4GB of RAM, a snapdragon 810 CPU, and a reversible USB Type-C connector

Thanks to various announcements from OnePlus we actually know quite a lot about the OnePlus 2. As well as its new fingerprint scanner, the smartphone will also offer 4GB of RAM, a Snapdragon 810 CPU, and a reversible USB Type-C connector. The company has also hinted that the OnePlus 2 will come with two SIM slots. However, the most important factor — the price — has yet to be announced. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has confirmed on Twitter that it will be under $450, but beyond this, it looks like we'll have to wait until the launch event on July 27th to find out more.