Apple's App Store has 100 apps and games on sale - Gadgets Tech Gadgets

Apple's App Store has 100 apps and games on sale

Apple's App Store has 100 apps and games on sale ,

If you're anything like us, you already have way too many apps on your phone, but that isn't stopping you from trying new ones. That can get very expensive very quickly, unless it just so happens that the App Store has a "100 Apps and Games" promotion, in which every single app and game on offer is $0.99. But really, when does that ever happen?

In case you didn't get that, the answer is: Right Now. You can get top-rated games like BadlandThe Room Two, all the various versions of Angry Birds and Goat Simulator(!), as well as good photo apps like Pixelmator and Faded, all for under $1. We're not sure how long this promotion is on for, so you might want to act fast.