Long ago, in a time before pop-ups, the billboard was the reigning ad banner; a towering space companies used to conceal natural vistas with corporate slogans. The most iconic of all the billboards in Silicon Valley was Yahoo's retro billboard on Interstate 80, until it was torn down in 2011. But now it's back!
Yahoo is bringing the 90s landmark back in honor of its 20th anniversary. "We hope everyone finds a little extra brightness from Yahoo while on their journey each day," wrote Kathy Savitt, Yahoo's CMO and Head of Media, in a blog post about the reclaimed billboard.
While the original was a kitschy tribute to the Silicon Valley of the 90s, the new sign is cleaner and simpler; symbolic of a company that is trying to reinvent itself. Construction on the billboard has just been completed and locals can look forward to seeing it in the same spot it called home for over a decade, its inaugural message reading "It's good to be back."