This Month in Luxury: Armored Vehicles - Gadgets Tech Gadgets

This Month in Luxury: Armored Vehicles

This Month in Luxury: Armored Vehicles ,

Welcome to This Month in Luxury, presented by Micah Singleton, The Verge's resident Luxury Director. In this monthly (or whenever we remember) column, I will take you on a completely superficial journey of opulence, pointing out one device, artifact, or service an upscale individual such as yourself would take pleasure in experiencing. Let the journey begin.

Do you have a passion for luxury cars and an irrational fear of a kill squad taking you away from your money (and family)? Well you’re in luck.

Your drive from Malibu to Beverly Hills can be fully protected for under $500,000

According to The Economist, It’s never been easier to acquire an armored car, and the vehicles have become more efficient than ever. Gone are the days when your $1 million+ investment into an armored Mercedes-Benz S500 would net you a bloated five ton tank with a half-mile turn radius. Now you can order a fully loaded bespoke Range Rover delivered to your compound for less than $500,000 by companies like Streit, a Canadian armored car company.

INKAS armored G63


Questions about the legitimacy of the armor? Still weary that machine gun rounds on your drive from Malibu to Beverly Hills will render you unable to attend next year’s Polo matches whilst you summer in The Hamptons? Well, the fine folks at Texas Armoring are here to put those fears to rest. Trent Kimball, the company's president and CEO will spare no expense to prove that his vehicles are the most luxurious and impervious driving machines in the world. Seated in a Mercedes GL450 modified by Texas Armoring with an AK-47 shooting directly at his head, Kimball comes away completely uninjured.

If a man putting his life on the line to convince you to buy a high-end armored vehicle to drive your children to dressage practice isn’t luxury, I don’t know what is.